SAP Fieldglass & Configuration Manager

 SAP Fieldglass & Configuration Manager 

The Configuration Manager job permits organizations to lay out super clients who can get to joining, framework, and upkeep instruments through a self-administration dashboard.

Design Managers approach incorporation instruments, framework devices, and other support apparatuses through a self-administration dashboard. The apparatuses permit you to perform numerous regulatory activities autonomously, taking out the need to open help cases with SAP Fieldglass to execute those activities in your organization.

How to begin?

To begin, distinguish clients who will go about as the arrangement supervisor for your organization and contact your SAP Fieldglass Representative. The design administrator is alloted an extra SAP Fieldglass Sign In ID. This ID just permits admittance to the Self-Service Dashboard. To perform other regulatory or general activities in SAP Fieldglass, the ID related with the client's unique job should be utilized to sign in.

The design chief record is a duplicate of the SAP Fieldglass client account. All profile settings, inclinations, and client subtleties are duplicated to the new arrangement director account. Notwithstanding, these choices are locked and must be altered utilizing the client account. Whenever the design administrator account is made, a connected record is naturally made between the client's record and the arrangement director's record and it shows in the Linked Accounts list for the two records.

After the design administrator signs in, the accompanying instrument tiles show on the Self-Service Dashboard:

● Combinations Tools

● Accomplice Management

● Single Sign-On

● Distribute/Subscribe Framework

Combination Tools

Joining Tools permit you to deal with the mix connectors and related components for your organization. Utilizing an instinctive wizard system, you can empower, alter, make due, and investigate the connectors, as well as make and oversee end focuses and API application keys. Oversee Crypto Assets permits you to make and deal with the organization's security resources related with the SAP Fieldglass application. Utilizing clients oversaw encryption keys and declarations skills reaching SAP Fieldglass for help with making and overseeing security resources. Oversee SAP Task Center permits you to empower SAP Fieldglass to consequently push task updates to SAP Task Center.

Connectors are the vehicles that incorporate the information, information configuration, and business rationale expected to coordinate with a client's application consistently. Connectors take out the requirement for manual section. The usefulness diminishes how much time it takes to handle information and increments information precision by eliminating the opportunity for mistakes presented by manual passage.

Connectors are gathered into two action types:

● Transfer Connectors - populate information from the client's framework into SAP Fieldglass.

● Download Connectors - populate information from SAP Fieldglass into the client's framework.

Accomplice Management

The Partner Management area on the Self-Service Dashboard permits you to set up and oversee incorporations with outsider advanced accomplices.

Accomplice Management gives admittance to a developing organization of accomplice combinations that are being moved from the SAP Fieldglass application to oneself assistance system on the dashboard. Whenever a relocation is finished, a tile marked with the accomplice's name is added to the Partner Management area. Choosing the tile opens that accomplice's regulatory arrangement pages, where you can set up and deal with the joining, without reaching SAP Fieldglass for help.

OpenText Corporation, an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) supplier, is the main accomplice of incorporation relocated to the dashboard. The mix with OpenText permits clients to store all archive connections in the OpenText ECM storehouse rather than in the SAP Fieldglass information base, while just the connection metadata is put away in SAP Fieldglass. All provider transferred connections are put away in SAP Fieldglass and not in OpenText.

Single Sign-On

Single Sign-On (SSO) devices permit you to deal with the SSO setups for your organization. Utilizing an instinctive wizard structure, you can arrange, alter, make due, and investigate your SSO arrangement, as well as get notices when your SSO authentication is near termination and should be refreshed. Furthermore, you can empower SAP Task Center in SAP Fieldglass, which gives a solitary section highlighting end clients to get to all their doled out undertakings across different SAP applications in a focal inbox.

The SSO setup characterizes values for the accompanying administrations:

● Personality Provider Details (IdP) - The essential job of the IdP is to confirm the client and produce a SAML Response to be consumed by SAP Fieldglass.

● Specialist co-op Details (SP) - The essential job of the SP is to consume the confirmation demand sent by the IdP and award admittance to the help for that client. In a SP-started SSO situation, the SP additionally goes about as the "starting substance" that creates a SAML Request to be consumed by the IdP

Distribute/Subscribe Framework

Distribute/Subscribe Framework instruments permit you to oversee continuous application action. Utilizing an arrangement wizard that permits you to design the expected components in one work process you can make payloads and end focuses, and buy into application exercises. Individual devices permit altering designs and testing payloads.

Setup Managers can make payloads and buy into continuous application action involving devices in the Publish/Subscribe Framework segment of the Self-Service Dashboard. The Publish/Subscribe Framework permits you to:

● make and redo payloads to get application information by base module and connected modules

● get the payloads to a predefined end point

● test payloads and network

The Publish/Subscribe system makes another API layer that permits movement driven payload setup per SAP Fieldglass module, giving adaptable constant exchange information in a standard structure. The API design includes three essential parts, Build Payload, Event Subscribe, and Delivery Mechanism (PUSH/PULL), to get the perfect information at the ideal time. The API conveys outbound from SAP Fieldglass as a POST exchange. With the Payload Transport usefulness, the RePush choice permits you to resend an exchange to the end point.

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